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Found 3217 results for any of the keywords uc merced. Time 0.016 seconds.
Welcome to UC Merced Connect | UC Merced ConnectChoose your app store below to download the new app or click the Go to Web Version link to visit the desktop web portal.
University of California, MercedUC Merced is the University of California system s newest campus and the nation s first research institution of the 21st century. Located in the agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley. Functional sustainability, along wi
UC Merced Community and Labor CenterThe UC Merced Community and Labor Center conducts research and education on issues of community, labor and the environment. It is a public institution located in the eight-county San Joaquin Valley region, with an emphas
Undergraduate Admissions | Division of Enrollment ManagementExplore the UC Merced experience through The College Tour student segments.
UC Merced Majors and Minors Programs | Apply TodayLearn about all our majors and minors. At our University in California, we offer a variety of degree programs from public health, environmental system sciences to bioengineering and more.
Apply for Admission | Undergraduate AdmissionsUC will waive application fees for up to four campuses for qualified students who would otherwise be unable to apply for admission. The fee waiver program is for United States citizens, permanent residents, and applicants
Apply for Admission | Undergraduate AdmissionsUC will waive application fees for up to four campuses for qualified students who would otherwise be unable to apply for admission. The fee waiver program is for United States citizens, permanent residents, and applicants
Students First Center | Phone: 209-228-7178You can find a guide on registering for classes here.
Graduate DivisionWe are dedicated to excellence in the academic and research training of graduate students. Located in California's Central Valley, we are proud to be the first American research university of the 21st century and are com
Apply Now | Graduate DivisionLog in to start, continue, or check the status of your application
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